Sunday, January 29, 2006

It pays to kick ass

Not only is kickboxing fun and good for extreme sweatiness, it has the potential to win you neat gadgets like this mp3 player from a raffle sponsored by Creative. It's tiny and has an FM radio on it, perfect for the gym. Plus, it comes with all the protective covers and arm band, not like iPods which rip you off but are also pretty neat. I bet Tim's jealous because I asked him if he wanted to come take this kickboxing class with me - as a way to help him reach his weight loss/I'm gonna get a PS3 goal. I probably would have given it to him if he had come. Sucker :)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sick Dude, Sick

I just read a blog entry that had some news that makes me sad. Not sad in the "Oh, there's a pancake-sized dent in the bumper of my new car" way, or even in the "Oh, look at the poor little kitties that need to be adopted!" way, but in the truly sad "Oh, what is my life coming to?" way. It basically says that I am going to be working very hard for a very loooong time. It's not like I didn't know this when I entered into grad school, but to see it confirmed in print is a bit frightening. To make things worse, today I was foiled by shotty lab supplies ...again! This means there's a romantic weekend getaway in my future: just me and my cells.